The Way Forward: Graduates (Freshers) to SAP Consultants
Finding a job as a fresher is not always as daunting as it sounds, but not easy-breezy too. With a freshly churned college degree and a host of companies in the market, you do not know where your “fresher resume” fits. Just like any other job the same applies to SAP consultants as well. Even if you are not really aware of what SAP consultants do, you might have surely heard them being moneymakers worth gold.
It’s not wrong to pick a career with a huge salary prospect but you’ll be only eligible for “fresher-specific” SAP roles which have very less to do with today’s salary predictions. Companies definitely end up wanting someone with little experience and SAP consultants who put that on display are highly paid. So, there comes rule no. 1 *Do not get swayed by the take-home pay* to choose SAP as a career option.
Now if you ask me “How can I be an experienced fresher?” That’s pretty much a reality that you will have to face as a newcomer. But you can definitely build better chances of being hired with an MBA degree or maybe a bachelor’s degree from a b-school. Once hired the company carries out your SAP training. But what about those who aren’t privileged enough for a top b-school degree? Getting an SAP certification will definitely not do the trick. That’s just a paper credential to add on to another paper credentials (your degree certificates). Instead, you need to tailor a good resume, dig out your possible skills that match the job and keep trying until you find the right place. There comes rule no. 2 *Rinse and repeat until you get a job, do not give up!*
Now is that all? Not really, because there are lot of other factors to put your laser focus on when you set out to find your first job. It’s going to be challenging as exciting as it may sound. You need to really drive your passion ahead by going the extra mile. Sometimes it will mean to work long hours, ask for responsibility and dedicate to learn the craft. All of this is not going to be on the glamorous side but will soon take you to the place you’ve wanted to be. You will be slowly transferred from from the basics to the SAP support. This is usually supposed to take 3–5 years, but your willingness to hardwork may get you there way before. Congratulations! You have made it to the button rungs of the SAP ladder. It is only after you serve a good amount of 8 years of domain experience with 3–5 years of hands on experience that you reach the senior level. Now, tell me will this be a substitute to the SAP certification you are going to pour your money into? Never! So, here catch the Rule no. 3 *only hard earned experience will workout in the career as an SAP*, and not an SAP certification.
On the whole, you need to pull up your socks to kick-start your SAP consultant journey with passion and preference of experience over the pay to make the “bucks” you are looking for on a longer run! Wishing you a happy job hunt!